“The Unexpected Disappointment,” Time, 10 November 2008, p. 47 (Symposium with Gary Wills et al.)

“In the Thick of Things Alongside RFK and LBJ,” Los Angeles Times, 24 October 2008, p. E18. (Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, Some of It Was Fun: Working With RFK and LBJ).

“Can McCain, Obama Turn High Court? Abortion,” Legal Times, 13 October 2008. (Symposium with Neal Devins et al.)

“Trial By . . . What?,” Los Angeles Times, 29 June 2008, p. R8. (Benjamin Wittes, Law and the Long War).

Significant Risks: Gonzales v. Carhart and the Future of Abortion Law, Supreme Court Review 2007 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008), pp. 1-50.

“Measuring His Words,” Los Angeles Times, 6 April 2008, p. R3. (Jonathan Rieder, The Word of the Lord is Upon Me).

“From the Front Line of the Abortion Wars,” Christian Science Monitor, 26 February 2008, p. 17. (Susan Wicklund, This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor).

“Bad Behavior Makes Big Law: Southern Malfeasance and the Expansion of Federal Judicial Power, 1954-1968,” St. Johns Law Review 82 (Winter 2008): 1-38.

“Early Warriors in the Fight for Racial Equality,”  New York Times, 4 January 2008, p. E39. (Glenda Gilmore, Defying Dixie).