Supreme Court: History

“A Supreme History,” Washington Free Beacon, 16 February 2025. (Stuart Banner, The Most Powerful Court in the World).

When the Court Ruled on Equal Representation,” Washington Post, 6 July 2014, p. B7. (J. Douglas Smith, On Democracy’s Doorstep).

Nancy Maveety, Queen’s Court: Judicial Power in the Rehnquist Era, for the Journal of American History 97 (September 2009): 624-25.

“Bad Behavior Makes Big Law: Southern Malfeasance and the Expansion of Federal Judicial Power, 1954-1968”, St. Johns Law Review 82 (Winter 2008): 1-38.

Gretchen Ritter, The Constitution as Social Design, in American Historical Review 112 (April 2007): 543-44.

“The Supreme Court and The Brethren,” Constitutional Commentary 18 (Summer 2001): 303-318.

“Mental Decrepitude on the U.S. Supreme Court: The Historical Case for a 28th Amendment,” University of Chicago Law Review 67 (Fall 2000): 995-1087.

“From A Distance,” The American Lawyer, August 2000, pp. 69-72. (Lucas A. Powe, Jr., The Warren Court and American Politics).

“From Brown to Casey: The U.S. Supreme Court and the Burdens of History,” in Austin Sarat, ed., Race, Law and Culture: Reflections on Brown v. Board of Education (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 74-88. (Reprinted in Neal Devins & Davison M. Douglas, eds., Redefining Equality [New York: Oxford University Press, 1998], pp. 205-217.)

“What the Warren Court Has Meant to America,” in Bernard Schwartz, ed., The Warren Court: A Retrospective (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 390-97.

“There’s Nothing to Fear in Those [Thurgood Marshall] Papers,” Washington Post, 27 May 1993, p. A25.

Bernard Schwartz with Stephan Lesher, Inside the Warren Court, in The Historian 48 (August 1985): 605-606.

Mary Cornelia Potter & G. Alan Tarr, eds., State Supreme Courts, in the American Political Science Review 77 (December 1983): 1050-51.

Richard Neely, How Courts Govern America, in the American Political Science Review 76 (September 1982): 667-668.