Professional Ethics
“Enhancing the Historical Record Is Scholars’ Foremost Task, No Matter Where It May Lead,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9 June 2019, p. A18.
“Crimes of History,” Wilson Quarterly 29 (Winter 2005): 112-114. (Peter Charles Hoffer, Past Imperfect).
“Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Story,” Financial Times, 29 November 2004, p. 13. (Seth Mnookin, Hard News).
“A Tale of Two Posners,” The Green Bag 5 (Spring 2002): 341-349. (Richard A. Posner, Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline).
“Ellis Broke Golden Rule of Teaching,” Boston Globe, 20 June 2001, p. A13.
“A Law Defining ‘Fair Use’ of Unpublished Sources Is Essential to the Future of American Scholarship,” Chronicle of Higher Education, 18 April 1990, p. A48. (Reprinted in Sci-Tech Information 6 [June 1990]: 1, 16-17).